Thursday, November 10, 2011


To a friend of mine whom I care about so much.

As I look out on the pale blue water
Sparkling under the crystal sun
I think of you, my friend
And my heart feels burdened
With the pain of your past

I wish the sun could shine a light
Into the darkness you have seen
I wish the ocean's waves could come
And wash away the seasick green
Of all the things you have endured,
The terror one should never face
I wish the Lord would soak your wounds
In soothing springs of healing grace

I wish that I could show you
That you are loved more than you know
And if you saw how much I cared
It could melt away the snow
Of icy- cold relationships
That left you with a chill
I wish that I could give you
All my love and still
The hope and joy that I have seen
I realize now I have been blessed
And I pray God will show you peace
Through every cycle of distress

Please take this poem I have scribbled
And let it be a sign that you
Are loved and cared for more each day
And one day soon you'll be made new.


1 comment:

  1. that makes me cry :'( it is amazing! Wish I had a friend like you :(
